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天津市 天津市 南开区


     于九皋, 1946 年生,天津武清县人, 70 年毕业于河北大学化学系本科。 1977 年调入天津大学工作至今。现为天津大学理学院教授,博士生导师。 2000 年享受国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴, 1995-2005 年教育部化学化工课程指导委员会非化学类课程指导分委员会成员, 1995-2000 年天津市学位委员会化学学科评议组成员, 1990-2005 年全国降解塑料研究会常务理事、副理事长, 1990-2006 年淀粉工业协会理事。研究方向为天然大分子修饰改性和功能化及环境友好材料的制备技术和应用开发研究。正在指导硕士、博士研究生,其中已毕业并获学位的硕士研究生 20 名、博士研究生 9 名。先后承担并完成天津市科委、经委、国家自然基金委、国家“八五”攻关、教育部博士点基金和企业间联合科研项目的研究。先后获国家教委科技进步二等奖、国家科技进步三等奖。在国内外公开发表研究论文一百余篇,其中有七十余篇被 SCI 、 EI 收录。申请专利 3 项。获授权专利 2 项。

近年代表性的论文 :

1。 Wang N, Yu JG, Ma XF, High performance modified thermoplastic starch/linear low-density polyethylene blends in one-step extrusion, Polymer Composites, 28 (1): 89-97 FEB 2007

2。 Wang N, Yu JG, Ma XF, The influence of citric acid on the properties of thermoplastic starch/linear low-density polyethylene blends, Carbohydrate Polymers, 67 (3): 446-453 FEB 1 2007

3。 Ma XF, Yu JG, Wang N, Fly ash-reinforced thermoplastic starch composites, Carbohydrate Polymers, 67 (1): 32-39 JAN 2 2007

4。 Ma XF, Yu JG, He K, Thermoplastic starch plasticized by glycerol as solid polymer electrolytes, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 291 (11): 1407-1413 NOV 9 2006

5。 Yang JH, Yu JG, Ma XF, Retrogradation of ethylenebisformamide and sorbitol plasticized corn starch (ESPTPS), Starch-Starke, 58 (11): 580-586 NOV 2006

6。 Yang JH, Yu JG, Ma XF, Study on the properties of ethylenebisformamide and sorbitol plasticized corn starch (ESPTPS), CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, 66 (1): 110-116 OCT 5 2006

7。 Yang JH, Yu JG, Ma XF, Preparation of a novel thermoplastic starch (TPS) material using ethylenebisformamide as the plasticizer, Starch-Starke, 58 (7): 330-337 JUL 2006

8。 Ma XF, Yu JG, Wan JJ, Urea and ethanolamine as a mixed plasticizer for thermoplastic starch, Carbohydrate Polymers, 64 (2): 267-273 MAY 11 2006

9。 Huang MF, Wang HY, Yu JG, Studies of biodegradable thermoplastic amylose/kaolin composites: Fabrication, characterization, and properties, Polymer Composites, 27 (3): 309-314 JUN 2006

10。 Huang MF, Yu JG, Ma XF, High mechanical performance MMT-urea and formamide-plasticized thermoplastic cornstarch biodegradable nanocomposites, Carbohydrate Polymers, 63 (3): 393-399 MAR 3 2006

11。 Yang JH, Yu JG, Ma XF, A novel plasticizer for the preparation of thermoplastic starch, Chinese Chemical Letters, 17 (1): 133-136 JAN 2006

12。 Yang JH, Yu JG, Ma XF, Preparation and properties of ethylenebisformamide plasticized potato starch (EPTPS), Carbohydrate Polymers, 63 (2): 218-223 FEB 3 2006

13。 Wang SJ, Yu JG, Yu JL, Preparation and characterization of compatible and degradable thermoplastic starch/polyethylene film, Journal of Polymers and The Environment, 14 (1): 65-70 JAN 2006

14。 Ma XF, Yu JG, Wang N, Compatibility characterization of poly(lactic acid)/poly(propylene carbonate) blends, Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics, 44 (1): 94-101 JAN 1 2006

15。 Huang MF, Yu JG, Ma XF, Studies on properties of the thermoplastic starch/montmorillonite composites, Acta Polymerica Sinica, (6): 862-867 DEC 2005

16。 Huang MF, Yu JG, Structure and properties of thermoplastic corn starch/montmorillonite biodegradable composites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 99 (1): 170-176 JAN 5 2006

17。 Ma XF, Yu JG, Kennedy JF, Studies on the properties of natural fibers-reinforced thermoplastic starch composites, Carbohydrate Polymers, 62 (1): 19-24 OCT 17 2005

18。 Wang N, Yu JG, Ma XF, The effects of citric acid on the properties of thermoplastic starch plasticized by glycerol, Starch-Starke, 57 (10): 494-504 OCT 2005

19。 Wang SM, Yu, JG, Study on the adsorbing process of the cellulose nitrate containing secondary amino group for creatinine, Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 25 (10): 1283-1286 OCT 2005

20。 Yang YD, Yu JG, Preparation and blood compatibility of oxidized-chitosan films, Chinese Chemical Letters, 16 (7): 991-994 JUL 2005

21。 Huang MF, Yu JG, Ma XF, Preparation of the thermoplastic starch/montmorillonite nanocomposites by melt-intercalation, Chinese Chemical Letters, 16 (4): 561-564 APR 2005

22。 Huang MF, Yu JG, Ma XF, High performance biodegradable thermoplastic starch - EMMT nanoplastics, Polymer, 46 (9): 3157-3162 APR 15 2005

23。 Ma XF, Yu JG, Ma YB, Urea and formamide as a mixed plasticizer for thermoplastic wheat flour, Carbohydrate Polymers, 60 (1): 111-116 APR 7 2005

24。 Qiu HX, Yu JG, Polyacrylate/(chitosan modified montmorillonite) nanocomposite: Water absorption and photostability, POLYMERS & POLYMER COMPOSITES, 13 (2): 167-172 2005

25。 Wang SJ, Yu JG, Yu JL, Preparation and characterization of compatible thermoplastic starch/polyethylene blends, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 87 (3): 395-401 MAR 2005

26。 Wang SJ, Yu JG, Yu JL, Compatible thermoplastic starch/polyethylene blends by one-step reactive extrusion, Polymer International, 54 (2): 279-285 FEB 2005

27。 Ma XF, Yu JG, The effects of plasticizers containing amide groups on the properties of thermoplastic starch, Starch-Starke, 56 (11): 545-551 NOV 2004

28。 Ma XF, Yu JG, Urea and formamide as a mixed plasticizer for thermoplastic starch, Polymer International, 53 (11): 1780-1785 NOV 2004

29。 Ma XF, Yu JG, Thermoplastic starch plasticized by the mixture of urea and formamide, Acta Polymerica Sinica, (4): 483-489 AUG 2004

30。 Huang MF, Yu JG, Ma XF, Studies o n the properties of Montmorillonite-reinforced thermoplastic starch composites, Polymer, 45 (20): 7017-7023 SEP 16 2004

31。 Ma XF, Yu JG, The plastcizers containing amide groups for thermoplastic starch, Carbohydrate Polymers, 57 (2): 197-203 AUG 30 2004

32。 Liu YQ, Yu JG, Sun XP, The preparation of B-type starch spherocrystals by freezing crystallization, Chinese Chemical Letters, 15 (7): 853-855 JUL 2004

33。 Ma XF, Yu JG, Formamide as the plasticizer for thermoplastic starch, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 93 (4): 1769-1773 AUG 15 2004

34。 Qiu HX, Yu JG, Lin T, Synthesis and properties of sodium carboxymethylcellulose/ montmorillonite nanocomposites, Acta Polymerica Sinica, (3): 419-423 JUN 2004

35。 Ma XF, Yu JG, Hydrogen bond of thermoplastic starch and effects on its properties, Acta Chimica Sinica, 62 (12): 1180-1184 JUN 28 2004

36。 Ma XF, Yu JG, Feng J, A mixed plasticizer for the preparation of thermoplastic starch, Chinese Chemical Letters, 15 (6): 741-744 JUN 2004

37。 Wang SJ, Yu JG, Yu JL, Influence of maleic anhydride on the compatibility of thermal plasticized starch and linear low-density polyethylene, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 93 (2): 686-695 JUL 15 2004

38。 Ma XF, Yu JG, Studies on the properties of formamide plasticized-thermoplastic starch, Acta Polymerica Sinica, (2): 240-245 APR 2004

1。 《叔胺基交联淀粉阴离子交换剂的研制和应用实验的研究》 ,1983 年 12 月通过天津市科委组织的技术成果鉴定。
2。 《淀粉基生物降解膜 -ASPA 膜的研制》, 1988 年 9 月通过天津市科委组织的技术成果鉴定。
3。 《包醛氧淀粉的研制及开发》, 1988 年 6 月或中华人民共和国卫生部新药证书和生产许可证, 1989 年 10 月通过天津市科委组织的技术成果鉴定。
4。 《过渡金属配合物引发淀粉与烯基单体的接枝共聚合反应》 2870252 , 1991 年 12 月以书面总结的形式通过国家自然科学基金委的评审。
5。 《淀粉微球药物载体及吸附载药性能的研究》 29070187 , 1993 年 12 月以书面总结的形式通过国家自然科学基金委的评审。
6。 《生物降解母料的规模化生产》项目负责人,津经计 1994-9 , 1995 年 5 月通过天津市经委组织的产业化验收。
7。 《淀粉型可控光、生物降解地膜的研究开发》项目负责人, 85- 605-01-02 ,国家“八五”攻关项目, 1996 年 4 月通过由轻工总会组织的国家级鉴定和验收。
8 .《环境可降解塑料的制备技术》 2001。1。8 通过天津市科委组织的科技成果鉴定。项目负责人。

9 .《变性多糖与蒙脱土的纳米插层》高校博士点基金 200200556018 , 2005。12 完成。

1。 横向联合项目 《 含淀粉生物分解母料的研制与产业化》

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